“Rolling With The Waves”, an artwork created out of a bit of boredom. It strays from my color palette of bright blues and navies. These hues bring a more subtle look to such a grand piece.

Does your day to day life ever get kind of monotonous that you just have to throw in something different and wow you feel so much better? That’s how I was feeling when I approached the canvas on this work. I love what I do and I love the colors I work with. I can still find so much diversity in that wheelhouse, but it was time to throw some spice into it. I enjoyed the process and almost dipped into a lavender piece. It gave me a sense of excitement for more like it and a renewed sense of appreciation for my original style.
See photo below of just the first layer.

I’ve been wanting to enter other color schemes since the beginning of time but always afraid it wouldn’t turn out the way I envisioned, and when I practiced different colors on smaller canvases, it wouldn’t hold the same effect. I saw the huge canvas in front of me and I felt a wave of courage wash over me. It was time to do something different. And after it’s completion, it’s safe to say it’s one of my most favorite ones. By the way it’s the first big one to have my new texture addition of whitewash popping out from the base. It’s something you can feel and see with a depth that is undeniable.

Photos don’t do these works of art justice, but we will just have to try. (p.s. flip it upside down and you’ve got yourself some rolling mountains in the clouds)

see below if interested in purchasing.

“Rolling With The Waves”
42” x 76”
Contact to inquire price.